call time today 7am with the usual suspects,
more flying fun today
not used much today and tomorrow and Saturday cancelled due to weather
wrapped at 5pm and back in Birmingham by 8pm
Nick Owenford-Actor Official Website |
Day 16
call time today 7am with the usual suspects, more flying fun today not used much today and tomorrow and Saturday cancelled due to weather wrapped at 5pm and back in Birmingham by 8pm
Day 15
Call time today 6am - 20 mins drive from Beaconsfied more fun with flying - apparently the director didn’t like what was filmed yesterday so we started again today wrapped at 5.30pm then back to Beaconsfield Day 14
left Birmingham at 3.15am - call time today is 6am - parking back at the scout site with Richard; Jayne, Tony, Charlotte and Jag more town stuff and some special effects with stunts wrapped at 5.30 pm staying at Ibis beaconsfield Day 13
left Birmingham at 6am - arrived at Leavesden at in and out and back in Birmingham by 10.30am Day 12
early start today - up at 3am - 30 minute drive to car park had to wait - first there - buses to studio 5am call - breakfast and into costume then hair and make up with Richard, Tony, Jag;, Helen,, Charlotte and Jayne well what a day ! We were asked if any of us could dance ? I said well:: yes we were then taken to set where the dancers were rehearsing and shown the routine we were then placed in the number at the back then the choreography move us all to the the front next to the star TC - Me and Jayne and Richard and Charlotte grear fun -all day classed now as dancers- great musical number and scenes wrapped at 5.30pm home at 8pm Day 11
left Ibis at 5.15am arrived at Carpark - mini bused over today I’m a monk!! - with big beard ! Used a lot with RA Richard changed to Doo man - with Douglas and Jag, Helen , Charlotte wrapped at 6.00pm back to ibis Day 10
left Birmingham at 4am filming back at Leavesden today - new car park is 30 mins away arrived at 5.30 am - awful car park mini buse to studio - 6.30 am call time with Richard, Jag. Helen,Tony, Grant, Douglas ect Nice scene in the morning - Fabulous outside set not used again till after -Wrapping at 6.40 Bact to stay at ibis Day 9
up at 5.30am - drove to base from Travelodge- to Brockley call time 7.30am - comedy club scene today with Richard, Carl - Charlotte’s- Veronica not.used till 2.30pm - good seat in the. Rivoli Ballroom Wrapped at 6pm - 3 hour drive home Day 8
left Birmingham at 8am arrived at 9.50am Then travel to Travelodge Docklands - Richard is also staying - filming tomorrow in Brockley Day 7
call time today 6am - left Beacosfield at 4.15am - 45 mins to NCP car park near Blackfriars- mini bus to Mermaid Theatre - Covid then breakfast Again moved to hotel as waiting area - got to 2pm still no one used - then rushed of to location all placed on set - RA was main actor play a priest - used for 20 min then it was lunch time till 4pm - not used again so wrapped at 5.10pm - took me 3 hours to get home @ 8.15pm Day 6
Up at 3.45am - arrived at Westfield Shopping centre at 6.00am - tube from shepherds Bush to St Paul’s - First time on the tube since March 2020 Base was The Mermaid Theatre - got there at 6.30am - call time was 8am Annie signed me in - Covid test then breakfast with Tano- Douglas - Nicola - Louise - Grant - Rod - Paul J - Slyvie - Jonathan C - Toby - Charlotte - Veronica - John McH - John S moved to Hotel for holding area - then had lunch - 150 of us today most I’ve worked with since the pandemic them moved to crypt - finally wrapped at 8pm - none of the mourners used! Got tube back to Westfield and drove to IBis Beaconsfield staying there the night Day 5
up at 5.30am to Leavesden - arrived @ 8am - all done and back in Birmingham by 10.45am Day 3
Up at 1.30am And out by 1.45am - arrived at Marylebone at 4am parked in the NCP - other SA.s arrived and coach arrived at 5.20am Drive to Holborn- signed in with Corrin - into hair and makeup for my tach into costume- breakfast and then buses to holding area long day filming on a victorian street - about 60 of us - with the star most of the day MBB wrapped at 6.30pm - back to car park by 8pm and home by 10.30pm - long day |
Nick Owenford"An Actors life for me" Archives
December 2024
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