Fitting today for new Blockbuster
Left at 7am arrived at Winnershsh studios
nice to see 2nd AD Bryn again not seen him since Artimus Fowl
nice outfit
finished at 11.15am
Nick Owenford-Actor Official Website |
Day 1
Fitting today for new Blockbuster Left at 7am arrived at Winnershsh studios nice to see 2nd AD Bryn again not seen him since Artimus Fowl nice outfit finished at 11.15am
Late start today - Call time 6.45pm
The Break - short drama from the Doctor’s team strange evening- Sat in reception til 9.50pm then drove to set - was supposed to be coughing man but they were running out of time - ended up just sitting at bus stop Richard and Joe were there earlier and Rogers S and Rayin wrapped at 22.45pm Bad Snow day today
Asked to get to Doctors asap as people had dropped out due to the snow The roads to Archibald house were gridlocked- took me almost an hour to do a normal 10 min trip Got there at 10am to be told all filming is now cancelled- wrapped- paid and sent home Richard had arrived at 7.45 and taken to Harley Road to film restaurant scenes but he Finnish at 1pm I was back home by 10.45am Day 3
Up at 5.15am - left at 6am - got to Burghley House at 6.40am covid test first then make up and costume and Breakfast with Lisa C and Roddy B and a few SA I knew We’re all members of the RF! Great day lots of fun with all the main cast - all lovely- especially DW used most of the day - wrapped at 6pm Home by 8.15pm Day 2
we were given expenses for a hotel for tonight left Birmingham at 3pm traveled to Peterborough- Staying at The Premier Inn Peterborough north arrived at 5pm - Had a lovely Sunday Roast at the Pub Only 20 mins from base tomorrow Day 1
Fitting today for a royal event - another looky likey left Birmingham at 5.30am - got to Elstree at 7.30am - McDonald’s breakfast Fitting today for another member of the Royal family finished at 10.20am - home by 12.30pm |
Nick Owenford"An Actors life for me" Archives
December 2024
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