It’s back for series 5
Two days on this as estate agent
Bith days in Stratford on Avon
call 2pm on day one and not used
call 7.30am on day two - one wipe and we’d wrapped at 11.30am
Nick Owenford-Actor Official Website |
Day 1and Day 2
It’s back for series 5 Two days on this as estate agent Bith days in Stratford on Avon call 2pm on day one and not used call 7.30am on day two - one wipe and we’d wrapped at 11.30am
Day 14
Call time today 7.15am back at Pinewood- 15 min from Ann’s Arrived had breakfast- only about 20 of us today doing a scene on a M{}#% and I was then promoted to the driver lots of blue screen today Git a feat payment too wrapped at 6.20pm back to Birmingham Click Day 2
stayed over at Ann’s as about 40min to Ascot Bit disappointed as my role as newsagent had been taking by another actor a friend of KB and I was now a customer Had to be re fitted just a very quick scene in a supermarket with JC who seemed nice wrapped at 11am staying down as back on BM tomorrow Got some lunch then drove back to Ann’s Day 1
After my split shift on BLJ;LJ yesterday we wrapped at midnight - I stayed at Lisa's up and out by 7.30am - 45 min drive to a field in Ascot Fitting today for a new film - apparently Im playing a newsagent - Bryn is the 2nd - also saw Oliie Scene will be just me and a very popular young Actress - J%$&$ C and directed by and equally famous Actor -Director - No pressure then !!! Ha Finnished by 9.40am and back home by lunch time Day 4-13
Wow 13 days of filming at Pinewood Its been hard and very tiring - a mixture of day shoots , Night shift 3pm -5am and split shifts 12.00pm-1am and the food got ssssooooo much better as Red Chutney took over catering Great fun - explosions and riots - and a few features with Keith Hide -Jayne Smith-Douglas Moffot - Steve Edwards - Richard P - Paul Jordon -Filis Fairweather - Lucy - Maureen (Cockney Chinese ) Naiomi - Richie - Keith Lomas - Kevin Hamlet - James - Louise Eliker -Paul Marshall - Ad's - Pandora - Jamie - Josh (Mandrake) Maccy (Suspect) Faz - Charlie- Becks - Stayed at Lisa's a few nights but mainly driving back and forth Still about another 10 days to do between now and november Day 3
call time was 5pm but arrived at 3.30pm to avoid rush with the gang again- breakfast at 4.30pm 😂 then into costume 1960’s hair and makeup done transported over to holding area near set fin Of scene from yesterday which also included a 👶 so we had 4 as they were often crying better treatment of us today- food still not brilliant wrapped at 2.30am back to Airbnb Day 2
drove down last night to my nice Airbnb in Slough eas supposed to be having a costume fitting yesterday but they cancet Call time was 3.30pm 200 of us today- drove to Pinewood with Jayne, Keith, Paul J Keith L. Douglas, Fillis, James 2nd is Pandora and Josh from Mandrrake so this is massive blockbuster franchise nightshoots on the back lot - with the main characters - 1960’s not a great start to shooting See email below I sent to casting Collective- a lot of people also sent emails Hi Steph, I’m sure you’ve had a few emails today regarding last nights shoot I just want to say that although the AD’s did their best, this is a major production company who have known for quite a while how many people we’re going to be on set last night and so many basic things were not thought about or considered in advance Having been an SA for over 30 years I understand the concept of a continuous day but that should also mean there should be available to us continuous food and drinks About 110 of us went 11 hours without any food not even a biscuit to keep us going! 1 tea urn between 200 people meant when we did have a break hardly anyone got a drink When we were finally fed they had ran out of almost everything and some people I think had half a sandwich and a fairy cake and some may have had nothing? I just thought I needed to bring this to your attention and I’m sure things will be in place tonight and future days to rectify this We finally wrapped at 5.30am - straight back to my Airbnb Day 2
Call time today 8am - drove down through studley and coughton base in Morton - filming in condicote same as Wednesday with lots of villager passing by etc Wtapped at 6.30 Day 1
left tome at 5.50am drove to Morton in the Marsh Call was 8.15am nice breakfast cillager today with Hannah, Lee, Neil, Glen, Chris, Joyce pissing down most of the day but they carried on filming few scenes - Wrapped at 7pm Day 10
Last day today - back in Hambleden - its been a fun shoot A few drone shots with Helen and Riccardo Day 1
Got train from New St at 12.06pm - arrived at Euston at 14.06pm Walked over to Tottenham Court Rd Odeon - got a few hours to spare so watched the new Twisters film - it finished at 5.40pm got to and overground to Dalston Call time was 7pm - Charlotte was 2nd with Alice Roan Ollie and Tom as runners With Flilliz - bused over to location The old Queens head - bar scene with the main stars RZ was really nice - Alice stood us standing at the bar behind them Wrapped at 4am - got night bus to Euston then walked to Marylebone - train was 6.04am got home at 8.30am Day 1
Fitting today for a new blockbuster franchise Call time 9am at Pinewood Studios - arrives at 8. 15am Nice 1960's outfit - Mike fitted me who fitted me on The Crown and Andor Got a nice 20+ days on this is if all happens Got back to Birmingham at 12.45pm Day 9
Different location today Watlington Call 7.30am with Richard, Riccardo, Helen - Today was a yoga class scene very funny - plus others Wrapped at 12 back in birmingham by 2.30pm to see Livvy in Little Mermaid Day 4-8
6/7/24 - 12/07/24 Fun filming this new family film Days on and Days off due to a covid case and rain filming still in Hambleden - abot 1h.25m from home down m40 Mainly with Helen - Dave newton - Clara Get scene end of film the revel! standing next to ET whos lovely Spent a couple of nights at Lisa Cunninghams as she 10 mins away in Marlow Day 3
left at 9.15an - to the lovely village of Hambleden apperently used for lots of films had lunch - Richard arrived at 12pm Didn’t get used till 6pm |
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