drove down last night to my nice Airbnb in Slough
eas supposed to be having a costume fitting yesterday but they cancet
Call time was 3.30pm
200 of us today- drove to Pinewood
with Jayne, Keith, Paul J Keith L. Douglas, Fillis, James
2nd is Pandora and Josh from Mandrrake
so this is massive blockbuster franchise
nightshoots on the back lot - with the main characters - 1960’s
not a great start to shooting See email below I sent to casting Collective- a lot of people also sent emails
Hi Steph,
I’m sure you’ve had a few emails today regarding last nights shoot
I just want to say that although the AD’s did their best, this is a major production company who have known for quite a while how many people we’re going to be on set last night and so many basic things were not thought about or considered in advance
Having been an SA for over 30 years I understand the concept of a continuous day but that should also mean there should be available to us continuous food and drinks
About 110 of us went 11 hours without any food not even a biscuit to keep us going! 1 tea urn between 200 people meant when we did have a break hardly anyone got a drink
When we were finally fed they had ran out of almost everything and some people I think had half a sandwich and a fairy cake and some may have had nothing?
I just thought I needed to bring this to your attention and I’m sure things will be in place tonight and future days to rectify this
We finally wrapped at 5.30am - straight back to my Airbnb